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TANBead Donates Noticeable Ambulances with Battenburg Markings to Enhance Ambulance Duty Safety

TANBead Donates Noticeable Ambulances with Battenburg Markings to Enhance Ambulance Duty Safety

Minister of the Interior Kuo-Yung Hsu hosted the "Firefighting Ambulance 2.0 Launch and Donation Ceremony" today, and expressed his gratitude to enterprises and organizations for donating five ambulances for use by the fire departments of Taipei City, Taoyuan City and

Hsinchu County. These ambulances, painted with the noticeable "Battenberg Markings" and equipped with the latest ambulance equipment, will help to enhance the safety of ambulance crews and the public, and improve the effectiveness of emergency ambulance services.

That emergency ambulance service is the first safety net for the public in case of any injuries or illnesses, and it needs to be equipped with professional ambulance vehicles in order to accomplish its mission safely and smoothly. He especially thanked the private enterprises and organizations for donating five ambulances and the ambulance equipment inside the vehicles to show their caring and love for the society.

The National Fire Agency will continue to popularize the adoption of the new design of ambulances by local fire departments to enhance the recognition of ambulances, in order to protect the safety of ambulancemen and the public, and to optimize the quality of emergency ambulance service.

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