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Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
Unsafe sexual behavior may increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections, causing genital lesions, immune dysfunction, cancer risk and other health hazards.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) is a general term for a variety of diseases transmitted through sexual behavior. There are more than 30 kinds of bacteria, viruses or parasites that may cause STDs, such as Chlamydia, Treponema pallidum, Trichomonas vaginalis, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV, may cause genital warts), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV, may cause AIDS), etc., which may cause genital appearance lesions, increase the chance of cancer, develop symptoms of immunodeficiency, teratogenicity, or vertical transmission to the fetus. According to the statistics of the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2017, the top five notifiable infectious diseases are syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, HIV infection, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, including four STDs. In addition, hepatitis virus can also be transmitted through sexual behavior. 

TANBead provides a series of nucleic acid Extraction Reagent Kits with automated nucleic acid extraction instruments of different throughputs, to assist in the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases.

-Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Reagent Kits (665 series): It can detect viruses from blood samples, including serum and plasma.

-HPV DNA Extraction Reagent Kits (61H series): It is applicable for HPV typing and can distinguish whether the HPV virus is high-risk type or low-risk type of cervical cancer. 

-Sexually transmitted infection (STI) DNA Extraction Reagent Kits (6ST series): It can be used for detecting genital infection pathogens, such as nucleic acid extraction from bacteria, viruses, etc., to assist in molecular testing.


Product Application

For sexually transmitted diseases, TANBead provides a series of nucleic acid extraction reagent kits, as well as automatic nucleic acid extraction instruments with different throughputs. This provides clinical laboratories, medical institutes, government health agencies, academic research institutions, etc., with multiple nucleic acid extraction options that can be selected to meet their needs and assist in medical diagnosis, epidemiological research and research on the pathogenic bacteria themselves.

Advantages of the TANBead Nucleic Acid Reagent Kits are:

- Fast and high-throughput extraction time: Extract nucleic acids from 96 samples in as little as 40 minutes. 

- Pure nucleic acid products: With low interfering substances and can be directly applied to RT-PCR and qPCR detection.

- Good extraction efficiency: Through simple pre-processing, virus with low copy number can be extracted from high-viscosity samples and the product can be concentrated.

TANBead Nucleic Acid Reagent Kits can be applied to: 

- Medical diagnosis and notification

- HPV typing

- Grasp the processing and course of sexually transmitted diseases for cervical cancer diagnosis

- Public health and academic research


About TANBead

Established in 2004, Taiwan Advanced Nanotech Inc designs and manufactures products for nucleic acid purification, including reagent kits, magnetic nanoparticles, and automated extraction instruments. Our patented magnetic bead spin mixing technology empowers enhanced extraction efficiency. Each Maelstrom product embodies this novel technology and delivers improved performance for applications in molecular diagnostics and life sciences. Maelstrom products are FDA and CE approved, and the patents are granted in the EU, USA, Canada, Korea, Japan, China, and Taiwan.


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